فقط فى 5 دقائق تعلم بسهولة كلمات جديدة مع أمثلة والشرح وإمتحان من 5 أسئلة والإجابة (مجموعة رقم 2)
Five questions without answers (Test yourself).
1- He MESSED UP his speech by forgetting his second point.
a- ended b- ruined c- . improved d- lengthened.
2- I'm going to LEASE that 1996
red Firebird convertible.
a- rent b- purchase c- sell d- lend
3- Children
should not play near the dump with BARE feet.
a- naked b-unwashed c-
healthy d- two
4- The
Colonel's orders were rather VAGUE, weren't they?
a- precise b- terse c- unclear d- succinct
5- The boss's orders were rather VAGUE, weren't they?
a- precise b- terse c-
unclear d- succinct
Question no. 1
* mess up = ruin = make a mistake = fouled up.
Question no. 2
* lease = rent You sign a contract and rent something big and important like a house, an apartment, an airplane, a car
Question no. 3
* bare = naked = not covered with clothing = exposed
Question no. 4
* vague = not clear = difficult to understand
Question no. 5
* vague = not clear = unclear = not precise = hard to understand
Questions with answers.
1- He MESSED UP his speech by forgetting his second point.
a- ended b- ruined c- . improved d- lengthened.
2- I'm going to LEASE
that 1996 red Firebird convertible.
a- rent b- purchase c- sell d- lend
3- Children
should not play near the dump with BARE feet.
a- naked b-unwashed c-
healthy d- two
4- The
Colonel's orders were rather VAGUE, weren't they?
a- precise b- terse c- unclear d- succinct
5- The boss's orders were rather VAGUE, weren't they?
a- precise b- terse c-
unclear d- succinct
إضغط على الرابط Reading - Vocabulary (1) لمراجعة المجموعة رقم