القائمة الرئيسية


فقط فى 5 دقائق تعلم كلمات جديدة مع أمثلة والشرح وإمتحان من 5 أسئلة والإجابة (مجموعة رقم 1)

 فقط فى 5 دقائق تعلم بسهولة كلمات جديدة مع أمثلة والشرح وإمتحان من 5 أسئلة والإجابة (مجموعة رقم 1)

Five questions without answers (Test yourself).

1- Is the material FLAMMABLE?    No, it is _____.

a- inflammable        b- deflammable            c- nonflammable          d- unflammable


2- His starting SALARY was quite impressive

a-  wages                  b-  time                c-  tasks               d- location


3- He PUNCHED my ticket.

a- made a hole in              b- ripped up                 c- ignored            d- stole


4- He SLAMMED the door.

a- He closed it gently.                b- He shut it forcibly.            c- He opened it

quickly.                    d-He opened it slowly.


5-The soldiers were FULLY briefed before they went on their mission.

a- partially               b-scarcely                    c-inadequately             d- completely



Question no. 1

* flammable = it WILL burn NONflammable = it will NOT burn Do not be tricked.

* inflammable is NOT a negative; it means "it will go up IN flames.



Question no. 2

* salary = wages = money earned for doing work


Question no. 3

* punch = make a hole in

* Punch can also mean to hit with the fist.


Question no. 4

* SLAM = to hit with a lot of force.

* ex.  The car SLAMMED into the wall at 90 miles per hour


Question no. 5

* fully = completely = thoroughly = 100%


Questions with answers.

1- Is the material FLAMMABLE?    No, it is _____.

a- inflammable        b- deflammable            c- nonflammable         d- unflammable


2- His starting SALARY was quite impressive

a-  wages                  b-  time                c-  tasks               d- location


3- He PUNCHED my ticket.

a- made a hole in             b- ripped up                 c- ignored            d- stole


4- He SLAMMED the door.

a- He closed it gently.                b- He shut it forcibly.            c- He opened it

quickly.                    d-He opened it slowly.


5-The soldiers were FULLY briefed before they went on their mission.

a- partially               b-scarcely                    c-inadequately             d- completely

إضغط على الرابط Reading - Vocabulary  (2) لمراجعة  المجموعة رقم


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